Grant Vote Status

Ovid on 2007-06-13T08:58:50

Grant votes were somewhat delayed. This is mostly my fault since I did a terrible job juggling my time while I moved into my new house in London. Then RT went down for a while, so when I tried starting the votes, I couldn't. Oops.

In other news, how many times do I have to say it? I link to the rules every time I post a call for proposals, but let me say it again, grants without grant amounts are automatically rejected. Period. Saying "any amount you want to pay me" doesn't work.

Oh, and I just checked. Some internals work with the TPF web site means the page I link to explaining how to submit proposals is no longer there. Damn. I need to go fix that.

Help a brother out.

brian_d_foy on 2007-06-13T20:49:24

Considering that TPF is an extemely small organization, and the number of applications you receive doesn't require tens of people to go through, and that this is a recurrent problem, perhaps you should adapt to it.

Help people figure out what an appropriate amount would be. After all, you shouldn't be optimizing for the grant process, but for the good of the community. :)

Re:Help a brother out.

Ovid on 2007-06-14T07:36:48

We've considered this, but it won't work. Since we've started being more public about the "mandatory grant amount" issue, the problem has virtually gone away, so it's all the more irksome when someone replying to the call for proposals ignores that. However, as I mentioned, it appears that some internals work we've done on the Web site wiped out a link we had, so I can hardly blame them. I'm simply going to make this even more prominent in the future.

The reason this is a can of worms is simple: how much do you pay? Do you risk offending them and get more bad press? Do you risk the "why the hell did you offer her more than me" problem? Do you risk the arguments on the grant committee about how much to pay? It would be a matter of what would break this process down quicker. Already we get complaints from people about which grants get awarded. Getting complaints about how much we've voluntarily decided to pay won't help this.