Bad Thought For the Day ( and

Ovid on 2007-03-29T19:04:12

Wouldn't it be interesting to have an option for CPAN and CPANPLUS to automatically run Devel::Cover with the test suite and if the coverage falls below a certain percentage to give you the option of abandoning the install?


AndyArmstrong on 2007-03-29T20:21:50

I've been wondering whether CPANTS could add coverage as one of its metrics.

It's fraught with difficulty of course :)

You can already do that!

kane on 2007-03-30T07:11:36

If you follow the instructions here you'll see that you just have to set the following %ENV var:


And then, whenever make test is run, so is coverage... ;)

Re:You can already do that!

Ovid on 2007-03-30T07:28:28

I know to set the environment variable, but I don't believe there's an option to abandon the install if the coverage is below a certain point. I'd really like that (particularly if the module's a dependency in a chain of modules and I want to look at things closer).