TAPx::Parser 0.50_07

Ovid on 2007-03-05T21:46:42

It's been over a month, but there's a new development version of TAPx::Parser on its way to the CPAN. The list of changes is huge, so I won't have all of them here. See the Changes file when it's available.

Here are some major ones you might find of interest.

  • Added color support for Windows using Win32::Console.
  • execrc file is now a YAML file.
  • Started work on TAPx::Harness::Compatible
  • Moved the dispatch of callbacks out of run and into next so that they're called when TAPx::Harness iterates through the results.
  • Implemented PERL_TEST_HARNESS_DUMP_TAP which names a directory into which the raw TAP of any tests run via TAPx::Harness will be written.
  • Added patches/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.31.patch - a patch against EUMM that makes test_harness use TAPx::Harness instead of Test::Harness if PERL_EUMM_USE_TAPX is true and TAPx::Harness is installed. In other words cause 'make test' for EUMM based models to use TAPx::Harness (this is for those who like to live on the edge).
  • Added support for timer option to TAPx::Harness which causes the elapsed time for each test to be displayed.
  • The two outstanding bugs in RT have been fixed.

There's also a compatible version of prove in the bin/ directory, but it does not get installed.

Thanks to Andy Armstrong for a huge amount of the above, along with Eric Wilhelm for his development work and Schwern for his kibitzing on our developer mailing list.

Update: OK, looks like only the 'critical' bug got fixed. the 'important' bug is actually more of an annoyance for people (showing a wee bit more info than prove does, but does not affect test results).