Here are a few Acme:: modules I've wanted to write. You can write them, though, since I've been working too much on TAPx::Parser.
- Acme::emcA
- tuptuo lla sesreveR
- Acme::XPDocumentation
- There is no documentation. You must run the tests and read the output.
- Acme::FixTheHorribleCamelCaseMethodNamesBeforeIGoBlindYouSillyGit
- Need you ask?
- Acme::Code::Police::State
- Finds all instances of Acme::Code::FreedomFighter and renames them to Acme::Code::Terrorist (and creates a symlink between the two).
- Acme::Inc
- It produces comical 'blam!', 'pow!', 'oops!' type of error messages before killing your program at random intervals.
- Acme::Suicide
- Pretty much a one liner.
delete $INC{ACME/}
- Acme::Homeland::Security
- All warnings colored with Term::ANSIColor and then sent to /dev/null
BooK on 2007-01-19T01:43:41
Acme::MetaSyntactic::batman is a prerequisite for Acme::Inc.
name without code
rjbs on 2007-01-19T03:06:39
Suggestions welcome for what I should put in the package Acme::JSON::Vorhees.
cog on 2007-01-19T10:58:22
Acme::emcA already exists, but it does something slightly different.
Ovid on 2007-01-19T11:32:21
Then maybe it can be Acme::dnalrednoWnIecilA.
Police vs FreedomFighter ++
jplindstrom on 2007-01-19T13:37:21
I've always thought that the brilliantly clever playfulness of Acme::Code::Police and Acme::Code::FreedomFighter is one of the best examples of what's right with Perl (that it's possible to do things like this) and the Perl community (the fact that people actually do it).