TAPx::Parser tools

Ovid on 2006-09-15T15:55:29

So far, I've heard of the following current or planned uses for TAPx::Parser.

  • Test GUIs (a simple one is in the examples/ directory)
  • Convert TAP to XML for importing into a company's existing systems
  • Convert TAP to HTML.
  • "Tagging" TAP and parsing the tags so you can group tests by tags (this is at Yahoo)
  • Shlomi Fish's Test::Run, a Test::Harness replacement

It's only been available for a few months, it's not complete, it's still in alpha and yet tons of people are crawling out of the woodwork wanting custom testing tools. I'm shocked. I really thought that some folks would find this useful, but the barrage of communication I've received (to Perl-QA, emailed directly and one-on-one conversations) has shown me that the Perl community is crying out for testing tools on par with other languages.

Of course, my pimping it out every other day has probably helped.

PITA (maybe)

Alias on 2006-09-16T11:39:29

PITA keeps the original TAP around from test runs, so that it can process it "later". If TAPx::Parser is more useful that the alternatives, and is standalone and easily component'able, I'll probably use it somewhere too.

Re:PITA (maybe)

Ovid on 2006-09-16T12:12:12

Ah, cool! Right now, I'm up to over 2,000 tests and I have a brand new failure. Hopefully I'll be able to upload something soon.