Apache2 + mod_perl 2.0 + libapreq2 == pain

Ovid on 2005-12-28T18:31:01

Yesterday my Apache2 installation went swimmingly. Not a hitch. Then I tried mod_perl 2.0. Three tests were failing and it appeared to be segfaulting, but try as I might, I couldn't get it to generate a core dump. I installed anyway just to see what was up and created a small Apache::Registry script and it worked fine. Then it was time for Apache::Request.

I've had problems with Apache::Request before, but this time it was hell. I started as a normal user. No luck. I did it as root. No luck. I did it as various combinations of the two, running as nobody, tearing down, rebuilding, tearing down, rebuilding, etc. No luck.

This morning I'm starting from scratch. Seems I had a slightly older version of Apache2, so I removed the old version completely and am now recompiling from scratch. We'll see how it goes. It's never been a smooth install, but this is the absolutely worst I've faced with it.

Combine all of this with the fact that I'm starting to learn German and my head hurts.