Camel Fishing

Ovid on 2002-02-12T00:27:36

On Perlmonks, my Camel Fishing node seems to have generated some positive responses. Now, it looks like I have a possibility of classroom space to conduct "newbie" seminars at a couple of different campuses (campii? :). Now, I have to deliver. That's kind of scary. I'm trying to organize free, 8 hour "Intro to Perl" seminars that can get people started down the path to Perl Enlightenment. I've had some very interesting advice, but it was rather amusing when I discovered what I was trying to base part of it on was information in "Learning Perl" that doesn't exist in the latest version. I suppose I should read my "required reading", eh? :)

Now, I have to squeeze this in, get the next version of CGI::Safe to the CPAN, keep up with my Java homework (me, back in school?), and try to keep my new girlfriend happy -- all the while thinking about moving back to Europe. Why, why, why do I overload myself like this?