Many folks aren't quite certain what the Perl Foundation is or does. In response to someone who wasn't satisfied with us (who is?), I wrote a bit about who and what we really are. If you're interested in TPF, take a look. If you're unhappy with what we do, we can use volunteers.
Ovid on 2005-10-19T04:26:50
Right off the bat, I could use another grant manager. Right now, we have rozallin as a grant manager but as we have more grants I don't want to throw too much at her.
We can always use content generation folks for,, and Sometimes this is just link aggregation. Other times it's minor updates or regular news summaries. (They don't have to be long.)
We need someone to work with Dave Rolsky to repair and/or replace There are also some special projects that require coding - to enhance the bugtracker and/or mail system.
Andy Lester's putting together an official list to announce so there will undoubtedly be more there. If you're interested in any of the above, reply here and I'll put you in touch with the right slave driver
:) Re:Volunteering...
Adrian on 2005-10-19T08:19:17
Right off the bat, I could use another grant managerThat sounds like something that can be vaguely parallelised.
Have a volunteer (why do I feel I'll regret this
:-) Re:Volunteering...
Ovid on 2005-10-19T15:45:06
Great! I'll shoot you an email.
sigzero on 2005-10-19T16:08:47
If I could be handed some small coding jobs, I could do that. I can also do HTML related stuff. If they just have a small job in general they could probably pass that to me.
Let me know...
Ovid on 2005-10-19T16:53:13
Great! Thank you. Could you shoot me an email at publiustemp-tpfsteering? That's at a yahoo dot com email address.
sigzero on 2005-10-19T18:15:46
Forgive me...I had to smile at that email address. It almost looks lude.
The email is on the way...
Aristotle on 2005-10-21T10:35:05
Meh, that really sounds reasonable enough that I think I should volunteer for something. I just don’t know if I should be taking up committments. But maybe if it’s just something small, as you seem to have a bunch of those; and I could take it from there if it works out… Hrm… argh.:-) Re:
Ovid on 2005-10-23T17:17:32
Ugh. I missed this comment. I'll forward your information and copy you on it. Thanks!