TPF Steering Committee

Ovid on 2005-09-15T23:57:11

Baden Hughes has been chairing the Perl Foundation Grant Committee for the last two years. He has decided to step down and his experience will be sorely missed.

I've taken over that role and now sit on the Perl Foundation Steering Committee. I just wanted to make a quick post to keep people up to date on what we're doing.

That last round of grants was postponed to allow us to focus our energy on the Google Summer of Code project. We've learned a lot from this and hope to post results soon. We pretty much know what they are (and they're pretty darned good), but until there's an official announcement, this is being postponed. In the meantime, the current grant application queue is being reviewed and a new round of grants will be voted on soon. I'll post the list of accepted grants as soon as I can.