I know this has been answered in many other places, but I was hoping to see a nice list here. Assuming you've just installed Perl, what modules are missing that you absolutely need? I have a variety of them, but just off the top of my head, I need:
- aliased
- Class::DBI
- DBD::SQLite
- Data::Dumper::Simple
- HTML::TokeParser::Simple
- Inline
- Regexp::Common
- Template
- Test::Class
- Test::Differences
- Test::Exception
- Test::MockModule
- Test::Pod::Coverage
- Test::Pod
- Test::WWW::Mechanize
- WWW::Mechanize
What would you put on that list?
Here are the ones I installed last week...
cog on 2005-08-17T18:52:02
Bundle::CPAN (so I can get full capacity)
Bundle::Test (so that everything gets tested properly, from now on)
CPAN::Mini (after which I start creating a mirror)
Bundle::COG (it's my stuff, OK?)
Date::DayOfWeek (required for stuff in ~/bin)
ExtUtils::ModuleMaker (required for stuff in ~/bin)
JSAN (I'm interested in this one)
Perl::Tidy (required by my .vimrc, but I rarely use it now)
Spork (making slides)
WWW::Mechanize (I like this one a lot)
date handling
jdavidb on 2005-08-17T20:07:52
I still install and use Time::Piece regularly, but I am in the process of learning how to use DateTime and switching over to it. One or both are indispensible to me.
I used to have a list of must-install modules in my perl installation instructions, but that list has definitely changed today.
Re:date handling
Ovid on 2005-08-17T20:13:35
Yes. I suspect many programmers need all the help they can get when it comes to handling dates ... :)
Your choice of a templating module
dws on 2005-08-17T20:30:37
, or to taste.
Lecar_red on 2005-08-17T20:46:13
There is always something that requires quick XML parsing...
Adrian on 2005-08-17T20:48:49
Of course it depends to some extent on whatever I'm doing at the moment. However in addition to what's on your list I'd probably feel a little lost without:
- Large chunks of Test::*
- Kwiki - having a wiki per-project is my default behaviour now
- CPAN::Mini - becoming my default way of managing modules for clients
- DateTime - because it rocks
- File::Find::Rule - because it also rocks
- Devel::Size - for figuring out where all that memory went
- HTTP::Recorder - web site testing and scraping
- Module::Build - because I hate makefiles
- Apache::Test - for testing... well you can probably guess
- Cache - slow, but useful
- Data::UUID - keep finding uses for it in the oddest places
- CPANPLUS - because it has an API I can get at
- Devel::Cover - because coverage reports give me the warm fuzzies
- Devel::Profiler - it took how long?!
- Exception::Class - saves typing
- Hook::LexWrap - great for wedging stuff in
- Mac::Growl - because growl rocks
- Module::CoreList - to figure out what started working when
- Template - coz I like it
My Modules
Smylers on 2005-08-18T07:44:14
As well as DateTime , which a few other people have mentioned, I soon find myself installing these:
My picks
ChrisDolan on 2005-08-23T13:04:46
Here's my unique contributions:
- Algorithm::Diff
- AnnoCPAN::Perldoc
- Archive::Zip/Archive::Tar
- Crypt::RC4
- DBD::mysql
- Email::Valid
- File::Slurp
- Net::ICal
- Parse::RecDescent
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
- XML::Parser
And my "me too"s
- DateTime
- Module::Build
- Module::CoreList
- Path::Class
- Regexp::Common
And my own modules that I use constantly:
- CGI::Compress::Gzip
my list contains at least
jouke on 2005-08-24T09:53:05
- Wx (the GUI stuff)
- Locale::Maketext::Lexicon (for L18N)
- PAR (for packaging)
- File::Cache (simple caching)
- YAML (easy storage/retrieval of data structures)
And my own stuff:
- Speech::Synthesis (for TTS)
- AAC::Pvoice (for pVoice development)
Basic stuff
mir on 2005-08-24T19:12:25
Reading my list I note that "high-level" modules are conspicuously absent, nothing too far from the metal here:
- YAML: for debugging, storing things to be processed by an other piece of code and output if I am the one that will read it,
- CGI: yessir, I still use it for simple things that do not require...
- Text::Template: I don't work with graphic designers and the little web stuff I do is quite simple, so Text::Template works really well for me,
- DBI of course, with either
- DBD::Pg: for serious stuff, or
- DBD::SQLite for anything single-user
- A bunch of convenient ones: Sys::Hostname, POSIX, Image::Size, Getopt::Std, FindBin, List::Util, File::Basename, File::Copy, Encode
Oh, I nearly forgot, I do XML stuff sometimes, with XML::Twig ;--)
Aristotle on 2005-10-15T16:51:52
The ones I really don’t want to do without, roughly in order of importance:
Also rans, in alphabetical order:
And the one I hope to write a substantial amount of code around once I have the tuits: