Integrated help system for AI::Prolog

Ovid on 2005-07-31T20:31:11

As with many CPAN authors, I've been in a mad rush to get another release out the door for OSCON. I've just released AI::Prolog 0.72 and it should be on CPAN mirrors soon. The biggest improvement are the new help/0 and help/1 predicates. In the aiprolog shell, help. will list all builtin predicates for which help is available. Given one of those predicates as an argument, help will output a usage message.

[ovid@tomis temp]$ aiprolog

Welcome to AI::Prolog v 0.72
Copyright (c) 2005, Curtis "Ovid" Poe.
AI::Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This library is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Type '?' for help.

?- help('consult/1').


    Supplied the name of a file containing Prolog code, this will consult
    the Prolog code in the file and add its contents to the current

    Will warn if the file cannot be opened.



It will also warn loudly if you try to use a non-existent predicate. This helps prevent typos such as consutl($somefile).

0.72  Sun July 31, 2005
      Move builtins to their own class, AI::Prolog::Engine::Builtins
      Non-existent predicates now issue a warning even if trace is off.
      Added new predicates:
        halt/0 -- currently a no-op outside of the aiprolog shell
        help/0 -- list all builtin predicates for which help is available
        help/1 -- list help for builtin predicate
      Added ** operator (pow/1) to math preprocessor.  Leaving it out
        earlier was an oversight.