Is there anyone here who is very familiar with the "Higher Order Perl" parser and is interested in a side project? The current work that Richard Freytag has done with Parse::Yapp to implement a new parser for AI::Prolog has been great, but the code runs in reverse. This breaks a lot of things. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to fix this. The HOP parser has looked promising, but my initial attempt at getting that working has run into a couple of unexpected snags.
If anyone is interested in a complicated side project with a very definite goal, I'd love some help. Let me know here or shoot me an email.
Re:HOP Parser?
Ovid on 2005-05-20T15:55:29
This is one of the finest books on programming I have ever read, bar none. There's a very short list of books I've read where I immediately take the knowledge I've gained and apply it to my professional life. The three that come to mind are Mastering Regular Expressions, Damian's OO book and HOP.
Re:HOP Parser?
mary.poppins on 2005-05-27T01:33:25
The Practice of Programming doesn't qualify?Re:HOP Parser?
Ovid on 2005-05-27T01:49:41
Well, since "books I've read" was one of my qualifiers, I would say "no"