Gabor Szabo has opened the CPAN Forum. It's a centralized place to discuss CPAN modules. It is not for genenal Perl discussion. I've added HTML::TokeParser::Simple because it's my most-used module and AI::Prolog because I would like it to become my most-used module.
CPAN Forum is new and is definitely alpha, but Gabor welcomes comments and feature requests there. Hopefully this will be useful.
gabor on 2005-02-03T10:09:45
I'll fix that for you later today...minimum reduced to 1
gabor on 2005-02-04T00:12:43
so you can be yourself:) Re:minimum reduced to 1
cog on 2005-02-04T08:39:19
Re:added ?
mir on 2005-02-03T12:07:53
Adding your module seems to be the easiest way of getting emailed every time someone adds something to the thread though, thus allowing authors not to have to monitor the forum.
Thank you in any case for this feature, which is probably the only way I will add cpanforum to the already long list of places where people can potentially ask questions about my module (perl-xml mailing list, usenet, perlmonks...).