Testing build systems (and griping about Oracle)

Ovid on 2004-12-10T17:36:55

Testing is not that hard once you get used to it. Testing random things is a bit harder. Testing build systems seems to be the hardest of all. There are so many interdependent things that I was thinking about using state machines to ensure that the build process works correctly. Any state machine modules on the CPAN you recommend? There are some out there, but I've no idea which area really worth the trouble.

In other news, anyone who really knows Oracle is convinced of its power because Oracle really is powerful ... if you know how to tune it. Tuning Oracle is a black art that many are unfamiliar with but it pays huge dividends. Thus, for many applications Oracle can be the way to go despite its cost. Yet, for all the money that Oracle makes, why the hell can't they come up with a decent command line client? I've been working with Oracle's SQL*Plus for over a year and just a few minutes reacquainting myself with the Postgres command line client reminds me of what I was missing.

Are you hearing me Oracle? You command line client is awful. It sucks very, very hard. Yes, you have all of these neat features that are very useful, but for grunts like me, I want a tool that makes the common tasks easy. Give me autocompletion. Give me a friggin' up arrow. Give me a break.

There are alternatives to SQL*Plus

wnodom on 2004-12-10T21:33:46

Are you hearing me Oracle? You command line client is awful. It sucks very, very hard. Yes, you have all of these neat features that are very useful, but for grunts like me, I want a tool that makes the common tasks easy. Give me autocompletion. Give me a friggin' up arrow. Give me a break.

I agree so hard it hurts. That's why I use TOAD.

Re:There are alternatives to SQL*Plus

djberg96 on 2004-12-10T23:31:53

And for those who can't afford TOAD, there's TORA. Though, be warned, Henrik (the author) has gone and joined Quest Software (the makers of TOAD), so TORA is unmaintained atm.

Re:There are alternatives to SQL*Plus

Ovid on 2004-12-11T07:44:40

I tried TOra twice. The first time it wouldn't install. The second time it would launch and then throw a bunch of error messages. I was most disappointed by this.

Re:There are alternatives to SQL*Plus

djberg96 on 2004-12-11T12:11:40

Use the 1.3.x branch. I think I had to tweak the config file for Solaris, though. I use it without problems on Solaris 9.


schwern on 2004-12-11T00:00:16

I remember thinking the same thing... six years ago! You could try the same thing I tried back then, DBI::Shell?

Seen it, still use sqlplus

btilly on 2004-12-11T02:27:26

There are error messages (like which line of SQL had a problem) which I get with sqlplus but not through DBI. For me that is a critical feature, since I'm generally not trying to interactively understand Oracle through the command line, but rather I'm trying to debug some SQL that is misbehaving (eg a large hunk of sql refuses to compile).

Oracle's error messages suck nearly as badly as its command line client, and I see no reason to make them suck any worse than they have to.


jplindstrom on 2004-12-11T18:06:29

I think I remember that you use vi, but Emacs has an Oracle mode that's better than SQL Plus. If you use etags on the DDL files, you get command completion on tables and fields etc.


Ovid on 2004-12-11T18:55:13

Yes, I do use vi, but that sounds like one heck of a feature!