Now that I've returned to a "normal" development environment, I've found that I miss many of the tools that were available in my previous place of employment. Three of the most useful are represented by the following vim mappings.
map ,t :!prove -lv %map ,T :!prove -lv % \| less map ,d :!perl -d -Ilib/ %
I think, perhaps, I should start a project to build custom vim tools to make standard Perl testing easier. I miss many of the things I had, but we had a vary standardized development environment. Right now, my tools work only because I ensure that I fire up vim from the proper directory. That's an awful limitation.
I particularly miss the tool that allowed us to be dumped directly into the debugger at a given test. Maybe Test::Harness should offer support for this which prove can exploit? (Though I'm not sure if Test::Harness is the best place for this.)
Pardon the lengthy introduction, but I hope the context will be of use.... At work, when I start working with a checkout, I domap,d :!perl -d -Ilib/ %<CR>
The ww means 'work with' (the directory name is subsystem, ticket description, ticket number, and ticket status... so I can spot my trees in QA status easily).ww vod_foobarbaz_120987_WORK
If your checkouts have a consistent structure, then you could have something like ww which you call to start working with a tree. If you have one sort of tree for home and one for work, you could use two flavors of ww or one smart flavor. Then in your vimrc you could have something along the lines of:n /path/to/current_checkouts/subsystem_specific_perl_lib/
regardless of where you started vim. Hmmm... Actually, I've got my vim set to consider the directory of the current buffer as its current dir, so no matter where I started vim up, I'd have trouble getting along without,d :!perl -d -I~/ww/lib/ %<CR>
Re:standard directories
Ovid on 2004-12-08T16:45:45
These are some interesting thoughts. I particularly like having vim consider the directory of the current buffer as the current dir. This could solve some problems. I'll have to think about how useful the rest would be, though. I think dictating a particular style of work would frustrate people.
Re:standard directories
Aristotle on 2004-12-08T19:34:57
:help autochdir