Debugging, debugging, debugging. What's going on? I have the filename being passed at $ARGV[0], but I didn't set it. This is annoying, but I can't find what's setting that behavior. OK, let's do this methodically and see when it's getting set. The first two lines of my (xUnit style) test:
sub TEST_DATASET_CONTAINS_THE_CORRECT_FIELDS { use Data::Dumper::Simple; warn Dumper(@ARGV); ... }
Which merrily produces:
After working here for a year, I only discover today that our in-house test harness thoughtfully and silently alters the contents of @ARGV, but naturally this behavior is not replicated by the code which runs these exports.
Update: A bit of through reveals the reason. We run our test program and pass the name of the class as the argument, but never explicitly clear @ARGV. I think a slight tweak to our test suite is in order.