Loose Lips Sink Programmers

Ovid on 2003-11-24T21:22:59

A programmer on another team is working on the same problem that I am working on. He knows Mason and I know WWW::Mechanize. We need to make Mechanize work with Mason so naturally, working together would be valuable.

No. His boss saw him working with a programmer on another team and got upset. Today, he (the other programmer) was asked if we should pair and I replied that I didn't think it would be a good idea since his boss didn't like it. Now word is going around that he and I have been forbidden to work together.

Sigh. It's like that game of telephone that we played as kids, but with a vicious twist to it.

Redundant comment

hex on 2003-11-25T13:31:25

Office politics really freaking sucks.

Staying out of Triangles

dws on 2003-11-25T17:55:30

[He] was asked if we should pair and I replied that I didn't think it would be a good idea since his boss didn't like it.

By answering on his behalf, particularly by answering for him, you injected yourself further into the situation. Consider how things might be different had you instead replied "I'm O.K. with that," leaving it to him to say something about his boss's attitude. Then it becomes an issue either between him and his boss, or about his boss. Either way, you're out.

Re:Staying out of Triangles

jonasbn on 2003-11-25T19:04:46

That is what I hate about strictly managed technical workplaces. The triangle seem to be the dominant shape of everything you do. Project groups, teams, groups even departments and divisions.

And I find it very sad that when people try to do something, which does not conform with the triangular shape all they is crap.

It always reminds me of christmas trees. It looks good during the presentation, but afterwards you can just throw it away.