Further research into the migration to 5.8.1 reveals plenty of fascinating issues. Issues such as "overriding private methods is a bad idea" (what do you when the internals change?). Issues such as "extensive use of experimental features in production code is a bad idea" (pseudo-hashes). And my favorite:
assert_lists_eq( [keys %{$info->{-params}}], [qw/country_id week/] );
Ovid on 2003-10-25T00:11:46
No kidding! Today's "assuming a hash order" failure deals with XML. I'm sure you can guess why this is failing:
assert_eq_ignoring_whitespace($xml_1, $xml_2);Re:Ha!
Adrian on 2003-10-26T11:58:00
That reminds me. I really must finish up a Test::XML at some point:-)