Web Testing

Ovid on 2003-10-07T15:50:58

So far, the Web testing suite I'm building at work is going quite well. Once I had most of the interface stabilized, I some code that spidered through the htdocs directory and automatically built test stubs for most of the pages. These stubs verify that we're logged in, that we actually are at the page we thought we were going to (mainly by matching that the actual and expected URLs) and then checks to see if a Mason error is reported. The suite takes about an hour to run. Summary report:

Total time: 3372 wallclock secs (64.32 usr +  2.67 sys = 66.99 CPU)
Test suite accessed 487 pages with 236 unique Web pages accessed
and the average page access time was approximately 6.9 seconds

If I tried to write all of those by hand, it would take weeks.