My goodness, it's been a long day. I spent an hour tracking down a bug caused by the following code.
my @methods = qw/follow_link get title/; use Class::MethodMaker new => 'new', object => [ 'WWW::Mechanize' => { slot => 'browser', comp_mthds => [@methods], } ];
If it doesn't just jump out at you, you'll slap yourself when you find it.
anywhere else? Looks like a useless use of variable to me. [qw/.../] is perfectly fine...
Ovid on 2003-09-27T20:48:46
Oh goody. You're going to slap yourself
:) The first thing you do is create a file named "":
package Foo;
sub import { print "@_" }
1;Then, in the same directory, run the following script:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
BEGIN { unshift @INC => '.' }
my @methods = qw/bar baz/;
use Foo @methods;That prints "Foo". Foo's import method gets called with no arguments because the assignment to @methods happens after the use statement, even though strict does not complain because @methods has already been declared.
The reason I encountered this is because I had a class that was acting strangely so I was testing the interface. Thus, I had @methods declared so I could later iterate over it and check $object->can($method);.
petdance on 2003-09-27T23:30:44
I think that if you do athen you can pass 'em in like you want.use constant METHODS => qw( foo bar bat );Re:Oops
bart on 2003-09-28T21:58:33
Assign to @methods in a BEGIN @methods;
BEGIN { @methods = qw/follow_link get title/; }Re:Oops
pdcawley on 2003-10-02T11:48:57
You're right, I'm slapping myself. Iff need to use @methods anywhere else in your code.