It's official. I'm looking for work. The company is still limping along and there's a chance that they will come back later and say "Ovid, we have funding", but in the meantime, we've been told that they understand if we start looking around. Searching for Perl work is depressing, though. Not too many companies are hiring for it. Any companies want to bring me back to Europe? :)
In the meantime, I've got a slight handle on my financial situation and I'll be able to hold things together for a while. I've started boning up on my Java on the theory that it's more marketable. Of course, with so many unemployed Java developers, I may not be first choice. However, they may be too embarrassed to apply for work now that Christina Aguilera is a spokesperson for Java (which is fitting, in a ironic sort of way).
I particularly appreciated the page with the paragraph that starts with "What would Christina do?". I can't wait to get my WWCD wristband and wear with with pride.
BTW, good luck on the search...
I am no longer doing Perl as my main function, but you and I both know Perl will always be present in our jobs in small and sometimes large ways.
Definitely check out Ask the Headhunter. And thank Andy Lester for bringing it up.
Take what you've learned in the Perl community and apply it elsewhere. I'm writing automated test suites for PL/SQL now. I sat down and made a Test::More-alike in PL/SQL because utPLSQL seemed too complicated. I'm still conversing here and picking up great things, and still hoping to put Perl back on top in my resume again some day, but in the mean time I've found that the knowledge I've gained from Perl and most importantly the Perl people has made me a better programmer no matter what the language.