ASP problems solved

Ovid on 2003-03-07T22:58:07

The ASP problems appeared to be twofold. First, someone went through and renamed some database connections, but didn't update all of the ASP pages that use that database connection. Thus, they were using the wrong name (it took me a while to figure that out because they listed the wrong page as the source of the error).

The second error was very annoying. Can anyone tell me why Microsoft Excel is not the best tool to use as a database for a Web site? Anyone, anyone, Bueller?

Oh, and as a side note: when establishing variable naming conventions, please do not mix under_scores, StudlyCaps, and un_dcmntdAbbrvs (undocumented abbreviations) at random. It's very annoying.

That's what they get for farming this out to the lowest bidder.