Another day, another bug. I've gotten PostgreSQL to play nice with mod_perl, I've gotten my stylesheets and my pretty look & feel all set up, and now I'm working on making everything "go".
Alas, it was not meant to be. I'm butting heads with my requirement to have my XSP pages in frames, but they're all loading from the session at the same time, causing each page to create their own session...and...etc.
I've gotten lots of people trying to help, but nothing seems to be doing it. Maybe I'll try putting sessions in PostgreSQL, and hope it's transaction and record locking features will help out.
NOTE: One thing I've never really appreciated about journals is their ability to help you come to conclusions. Maybe they should be a prerequisite to asking questions on mailing lists: "Do you have a problem? Okay, have you written a journal entry about it yet?" :)