
Matts on 2002-09-25T14:26:55

With Acme::Pr0n::Automate and Randal's LinuxMag POE article I'm now downloading pr0n faster than you can shake a stick at (ooer). Nice one.

Yes, I'm actually doing this for my job.

No, you can't have my job.

Just wait...

Elian on 2002-09-25T14:34:18

When you have to deal with that Pr0n daily, objectively, and constantly, you'll be waiting to give the job away, and laughing at the people who think they really want the job...

Re:Just wait...

VSarkiss on 2002-09-25T15:22:13

You sound like you're speaking from experience. :-)

Re:Just wait...

Elian on 2002-09-25T15:46:03

Yep, though luckily I haven't had to do it for long. Aesthetically challenged pictures of bored naked people in uncomfortable poses (often looking like they're getting ready for a medical exam of some sort) get old really quick...

the irony is...

merlyn on 2002-09-25T16:07:28

that column was the one I was writing while sitting in Matt's OSCON talk on POE! And chatting with dngor and the others online to get the final info right, including answering a question for Matt from the floor.

I don't get it

hfb on 2002-09-25T17:29:06

Some religious nut complains about Acme::Brainfuck but not about Porn? Hmmm.