DSL and XML Parsing

Matts on 2001-09-10T10:49:47

DSL is installed. Whee! DSL is not working. Boo!

Apparently Clara.net are not seeing my radius authentication requests. Which means BT aren't forwarding them or something. So the result is I have this nice DSL line installed, but I can't access the outside world (or vice-versa) yet. Maybe later today though.

My XML parser is coming along now. Element parsing, namespace processing, and attributes all work. Sweet. I found out there's a nasty buggette in how I'm doing the encoding switching. I read in the first 4 bytes of the document to detect the encoding (as per the XML spec), and then switch. But if I detect it right on the 2nd byte, I switch then. However due to the way the Reader class works, I've actually read in 3 bytes at that point (and if it was a 4-byte per character encoding, I would have read in 5 bytes), so switching encodings happens across a character boundary, and screws things up royally. I'll have to figure out a better way to do that.

I also need to fix the parsing to have parse() accept multiple options, and also accept a Source option a-la the Perl SAX2 spec. Have to get that done soon or I'll have way too many test cases to fix. I hope people don't mind too much that bleedperl is required. There didn't seem to be *too* much objection on Perl-XML when I posted the preview version.