Smoothies vs Sorbet

Matts on 2002-09-03T19:10:24

Is sorbet a frozen smoothie, or is a smoothie a de-frosted sorbet?

Smoothie's got Cow

samtregar on 2002-09-03T19:57:11

In my opinion, a Smoothie's not a Smoothie unless it's got Cow. Yoghurt, to be exact.


Re:Smoothie's got Cow

2shortplanks on 2002-09-03T20:39:42

That's a thickie.

Sorbet is frozen smoothie

2shortplanks on 2002-09-03T20:45:45

  • A real smoothie shouldn't have been frozen (it should have fresh fruit)
  • A real smoothie has no added suger (but sorbet should)

entirely different

ask on 2002-09-04T09:56:46

Smooties are (best) made from frozen fruits.

belg4mit on 2002-09-04T15:40:46

Or something...

sorbet is frozen juice

smothie is juice, usually with bananas as thickener. and often extras thrown in at
extra cost like wheat grass juice, aloe vera,
wheat germ, middle-aged women vita-packs,
sports vita-packs, ginko, etc. etc.

Matts on 2002-09-04T17:20:05

I think everyone misunderstood my question...

Which came first - someone freezing thick fruit juices, or someone sticking thick fruit juices in a bottle (possibly after drinking a de-frosted sorbet)?

It's a chicken and egg question really.

belg4mit on 2002-09-04T18:25:54

Freezing I should think, until recently I think the only that came in bottles was whiskey and wine.

Matts on 2002-09-04T19:43:54

Now you're on to something - whisky sorbet!