Back to it!

Matts on 2001-08-03T12:30:18

Ugh, work.

Wish I didn't have to go back to work. I had an absolutely glorious time in SD at the conference, and managed to get a few extra days in the hotel to just relax and see a bit of San Diego. So now I'm chilled, tanned, and wishing I could live like that forever.

Back to reality though. On the plane on the way home I got most of Error::Filter working, this is a Perl source filter that turns style try/catch into eval{} type stuff. The idea being to avoid's consequence of creating closures with the sub refs it uses. Unfortunately I think getting the nitty details of to work in this way will be quite tricky, as it uses the fact that it has access to the sub-ref to be able to re-execute exception handlers. Anyway, we'll see.

I released a new copy of DBIx::AnyDBD, and have plans to turn DBIx::XML_RDB into a SAX generator, which will be much nicer than the current implementation, and probably far easier to maintain (the current code is UGly).

Following that I have to update XML::LibXML/LibXSLT - people are now sending in bug reports. I hate it when that happens!

In other news, AxKit has been accepted to the Apache Software Foundation as an official Apache project under the XML group of technologies. I had been offered to put it under the perl project (, but decided that XML was better overall for AxKit because I feel that AxKit already has the minds of Perl people (or at least all the perl people that don't hate XML, which admittedly isn't that many *sigh*), so I want to be able to put AxKit under the noses of people who want an Apache XML solution, and are probably looking at Cocoon rather than AxKit.

Somewhere in there I have a real job to do. And I also have to move 400 miles down to Gloucester, where my new job is (working for MessageLabs, a company that filters email for viruses, spam and porn - the company is one of the few that has managed to catch and prevent the spread of the SirCam virus, due to a predictive scanner written in Perl that doesn't need virus signatures to catch virii). Unfortunately moving is probably the worst thing going on right now. It stresses my wife no end, and we have 12 days until we're supposed to move and our sollicitor has gone on holiday for a week. She gets back 1 day before our movers arrive to pick up our things. If everything goes tits up between now and then, we have 1 day to tell them the date has changed. Scary.

On top of all that, I spend the next 10 days in a Bed and Breakfast down in Gloucester. $new_job requires attendance in the office. However, I'm looking forward to decent weather. It sucks to be here after being in San Diego.

Oops, almost forgot. I also plan to add support for strptime to Time::Piece (aka Time::Object), oh, and maybe upload Attribute::WebService to CPAN, oh, and add a bunch of new features to AxKit::XSP::PerForm.

Damn I need a clone.