
Matts on 2007-12-02T14:41:09

What goes: Bump bump bump bump bump splash

Answer: Me falling down the basement stairs with 2 drinks in my hand.

Mother %^&#$%@! did that ever hurt.

Hope you aren't hurt too bad...

sigzero on 2007-12-02T21:00:26

I had a co-worker do that a few years ago. She died.

Re:Hope you aren't hurt too bad...

Matts on 2007-12-02T21:30:47

Yikes :-(

Well I didn't die - thankfully my butt has plenty of padding (though very bruised now). It sure makes you aware of your fragility though.

Re:Hope you aren't hurt too bad...

sigzero on 2007-12-03T15:41:22

It also reminds me to watch what I say. The day before Kathy went home she had an argument with our boss who said "I wish you would just die!". He was so very ashamed at having said that after the fact.