I sometimes wonder what I've contributed...

Matts on 2007-08-21T02:20:58

Being an open source geek is an interesting position to be in. You can hack on bizarre stuff that barely anyone uses (like Net::IMAP::Simple::NB) or you can hack on stuff that people use but you rarely hear about (like CDB_File, which I didn't create but at least I maintain it).

But then there's the "other" stuff. The things you randomly hear about people installing as "essential" tools, like XML::XPath, or more commonly lately DBD::SQLite.

What's odd about DBD::SQLite is that it has now become a staple of so many tiny little applications (most recently I read about some hack of reddit that someone had done) that if it suddenly went away it would be like perl going away. And that both gives me a wonderful sense of joy (for helping those people) and a terrible sense of dread (because what if I got it wrong somehow?). Such is the way of free software I guess...