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Matts on 2006-12-08T21:50:16

My vacation started on Thursday - somehow I had managed to go the entire year without a holiday, so I've accumulated enough to take most of December off. I was getting rather worried about the weather, but this week it started to get really cold - cold enough despite only minimal snow for our local ski hill to start making snow in a big way.

So Chicopee opens tomorrow (even earlier than last year I think!) and Heather and I will be there for sure (despite her head injury and continued dizziness, we bought her a helmet and I don't think I'll be able to keep her away).

I just spent about 5 minutes in the back yard on my board reminding myself of the feelings. It's gonna be tough for the first couple of days I think, but I'm sure it'll come back fast. What's going to be hardest is that I was out of breath in just 5 minutes - holy cow it's hard to believe how much fitter I was at the end of the season last year! Hopefully this year my extra pounds will drop off as fast as they did last year.