Good news with Heather

Matts on 2006-10-28T00:18:56

Before going for the MRI her doctor discharged her, meaning we could return home immediately following the procedure.

The MRI was difficult - those who've had it before (or like me have read about it on wikipedia) will know it's incredibly noisy, which is rather unfortunate for those with head injuries. But for the 20 minutes of lying down that it took she managed to hold onto the contents of her stomach.

She's home now, and glad to be in her own bed, and has managed to keep her lunch and dinner down so far. She's glad to have my cooking (albeit just clear soup - I'm taking no risks) rather than the bleh they serve at the hospital.

We haven't heard from the doctor, so I can only presume the MRI came back OK, or he didn't hear. Either way I'm pleased with today's progress, and despite my apprehensions I am pleased she's home.


Matts on 2006-10-28T01:33:04

Meant to say - I read all the replies to the last post to Heather and she was very touched by them all. Thanks everyone.

Re: Good news with Heather

dws on 2006-10-28T02:54:28

Good signs. I hope they continue.

Noisy Yes

derby on 2006-10-29T12:52:47

I had an MRI once (but for nothing as serious as Heather's - hope she's doing well). The thing that made me laugh was not only was it extremely noisy but the techs communicated with some funky intercom system that made them sound like Charlie Brown's teacher (WaaaWaa wawAwa Wa WaWA). I found myself for 45 minutes saying What? What? WHAT?