Upcomming Trip to the UK

Matts on 2006-08-14T13:08:19

I have a trip to the UK booked for Sept 10th. I'm seriously thinking about cancelling due to the new restrictions in place - I can't see them being removed before then.

Educated Guesswork has been discussing this on his blog all week. His most recent post showing the utter ridiculousness of these restrictions:

It's unclear what threats this is intended to address. Either you believe that it's possible to get contraband into the sterile area or you don't. If the sterile area isn't actually sterile, then you need to screen people again between the sterile area and the aircraft, because terrorists aren't exactly likely to obey your policy about discarding their liquid explosives.

On the other hand, if you believe that the sterile area is sterile, then it's hard to see what purpose is served by forbidding people from bringing liquids brought there onto the plane. It's arguable that you'd like to limit the number of liquids on the plane in order to make terrorists who have brought their own liquids on the plane conspicuous. But since it's fairly straightforward to keep your liquids in your bag and then mix them in the lavatory, I'm skeptical that this adds a lot of value.
Frankly I just don't fancy sitting on a plane for 9 hours being forced to watch a crappy movie on crappy headphones without my mp3s and noise cancelling headphones to sing me to sleep.

Plane stuff

smiths on 2006-08-14T16:29:37

I wouldn't worry about it. I'm also flying soon to the US and was looking for a website which would tell me what I could bring. I found this blog with all the info @ http://www.peoplesmedia.blogspot.com/2006/08/flying-overseas-what-to-take-on-pla ne.html

Looks like you can carry just about everything aside from drinks.


Re:Plane stuff

Matts on 2006-08-14T16:32:46

Yeah I see the restrictions are being lifted today.