Jogging Day 3: This really stings

Matts on 2006-07-26T14:58:32

I think something must be conspiring against me losing weight.

I had really lost the motivation to jog since last week. I'd lie in bed in the morning and think "Yes, today I'm going to get up and jog... oh, but if I just lie here for 10 more minutes..." An hour later I'd get out of bed and have to go to work.

So today I forced myself to do it. I came very VERY close to taking another "10 minutes", but didn't. The jogging was better - I could go further without taking a walk-break. I had managed to get more than half way on my route without stopping...

And then it happened.

A fucking bee flew into my mouth.

What the hell is the probability of that? It must be several million to one. It stung me on my lip as I spat it out. So I had to jog the rest of the route home looking like Bubba from Forrest Gump.

I miss snowboarding.

Total weight loss: -2 lb.


Aristotle on 2006-07-26T22:46:29

…but I can’t help laughing.