Matts on 2006-03-10T16:49:51

Another shot from San Francisco. Moderate post processing on this to bring out the colours and contrast (you can see the original by removing the _pp).

This gate struck me as being so old in a place so new. It was almost as though 1635 were the year it was built.


Original here

Post processing really brings out the red hues

Phred on 2006-03-10T18:14:27

That's a great picture. What part of SF was that taken in? Looks kind of like the area around Coit Tower

Re:Post processing really brings out the red hues

Matts on 2006-03-10T18:26:21

It was somewhere on Mason street. Off the top of my head somewhere around Mason and Jackson.

Well, I guess it was 1635 Mason St :-D


perrin on 2006-03-10T18:43:17

What did you use for it? It looks really good on this photo.


Matts on 2006-03-10T19:10:01

Photoshop 7.

Basic process was:
  • Convert to lab.
  • In Curves, bring the a and b channels in about 20 points at the top and bottom. This enhances the colours a bit without blowing anything out (comes from Dan Margulis' book "Photoshop LAB Color: The Canyon Conundrum").
  • Convert back to RGB
  • Add layer, selective colour. Saturated and desaturated some colours until I was happy.
  • Add layer, curves. Basic S-shaped curve to bring out the contrast.
  • Using the lasso tool, selected an outline around the image with a 100px feather, inverted the selection.
  • Layer, new via copy.
  • Set that new layer's mode to Multiply. Play with opacity a bit if it's too much.

It's a combination of these techniques (custom every time) that I tend to use on most of my images. It really gives them that extra pop.