PerlSki 2

Matts on 2006-01-24T19:36:06

If anyone's in the KW area next week we're holding our second PerlSki event.

Here's the details:

Perlski I was such a success, that we are doing it again. Grab or rent some skis or a snowbaud, and head for the hills next Thursday (Feb 02). Same meeting time, same meeting place. (7pm, the skischoolshed)

I will post this on the website today. SOs encouraged... last time this contained so little geek related talk that I think we underflowed an unsigned char¹.

Notes: - if you feel that key details are lacking, email me - if you are worried that your skiing skills aren't up to snuff, don't be. We have a bunnyhill squad.

Regards, fishbot

¹yes, I know that joke is (a) lame, and (b) not applicable to Perl.