Dragged kicking and screaming back into XML HELL

Matts on 2005-08-05T15:10:21

I've been avoiding XML-land for some time now. Unfortunately I have a *cough* few modules there.

It all started nice and simple - wanting to release a new AxKit. But make test failed with the current CPAN version of XML::LibXSLT. But passed with CVS of XML::LibXSLT. Unfortunately XML::LibXSLT's make test failed. So I got stuck hacking that, with the plan to get that out to CPAN so I could release the new AxKit.

RPM hell ensued, as it usually does, trying to upgrade pre-requisite libs. Ugh.

Anyway, the upshot of all this is that XML::LibXSLT 1.58 is now on CPAN.

AxKit 1.7 next.

UTF-8 Fix

Dom2 on 2005-08-06T07:32:59

Thanks for committing that UTF-8 fix. Much appreciated.
