POE talk

Matts on 2002-01-16T13:10:25

I'm giving a brief talk on POE this afternoon. I'm really just introducing the concept, not talking much about coding in POE, but I'm still fairly excited about it, as it gives me material and ideas for a POE tutorial for this year's perl conference.

I'll put slides online later today.

Also, has anyone else noticed that you can no longer daily browse the journals by going to "Top 10". There's way too many new entries! That's good news though. I guess I need to flesh out my friends list.

Recent postings...

pdcawley on 2002-01-16T14:19:13

What I'd like is a 'new unread journals' listing somewhere as I tend to read all the journals that get posted rather than going through my friends list.

Re:Recent postings...

kasei on 2002-01-16T16:11:46

Oh, god yes! I've been wanting a feature like this more and more as the load of journal entries increases...


chaoticset on 2002-01-16T14:44:33

I must have too much free time. I never have that problem.

Yes I noticed

jdavidb on 2002-01-16T16:00:02

Lots of 'em. Pudge was asking awhile back what this site needed to do to really take off and be useful -- I think we found it.

A useful URL:

koschei on 2002-01-16T17:49:05

that you will still need to read regularly, or at least make sure your browser history works.

I'd like the RSS version of that to work, but it's got only sids that don't work.