CPAN Ratings Rounding

Matts on 2004-08-10T10:36:20

CPAN ratings is nice. I like this feature.

However they round badly IMHO. If you have one vote less than 5 it becomes impossible to have a full 5 stars on your module page on

For example, DBD::SQLite has 5 votes. 4 of which are 5 stars, and one is 4 stars. That should result in 4.8, which should be rounded to 5.

But it gets rounded down to a 4.5.

Of course it may just be too much pride that is making me think this.

CPAN rating system

zatoichi on 2004-08-10T12:19:57

Not having built it nor looked at other ratings, maybe they just made a conscious deciscion to round that way?

I would prefer the 4.8 though. The reason being is there really is a difference in a 4.5 and a 4.8 rating.

Re:CPAN rating system

Matts on 2004-08-10T14:10:12

All I really mean is that with the current setup I would guess that even with 4.99, you'd still have four and a half stars, which doesn't feel quite right.


statico on 2004-08-10T14:37:56

But the four-and-a-half stars really means exactly that: almost a 5. Is the module really that perfect?

In all honesty, I wouldn't expect to get a perfect five for more of my in-depth modules. I figure that I've probably left something out or there's something I could have worked out better.

And lastly, be thankful that your record hasn't been marred with a 1- or 0-star rating because someone should have been using instead :-)


Matts on 2004-08-10T15:54:16

I'm trying to leave personal feelings about the particular module out of this. I'm not suggesting DBD::SQLite is perfect.

What I'm asking about is the fact that the only way to get 5 stars is to have NOBODY give you 4 stars. Even if you had 100 votes at 5/5, 1 down vote would skew you down, which doesn't quite feel right.