Matts on 2004-08-02T18:48:42

I just put out 1.02 of DBD::SQLite. It's a bug fix against 1.01 because old compilers don't like you declaring variables after calling a function in a particular scope, and I'd just messed up on that. 1.01 fixed a few things to do with calling the same statement twice.

My only problem now is that I'm using the following macro:

#define sqlite_trace(level,fmt...) _sqlite_tracef(__FILE__, __LINE__, level, fmt)
which is valid under GCC, but not other compilers. Does anyone know how to define varargs macros in a cross platform manner?

Samba does it like this

Dom2 on 2004-08-02T19:10:05

I remember seeing this done in Samba, but it's a nuisance, as you have to put all the varargs bits inside another set of parentheses.

Have a look at debug.h for details.
