I got up this morning to an email from Dave Rolsky telling me that Chatspace, the company who bought WebBoard from O'Reilly, have released WebBoard UX (Unix/Linux), or at least have put up a web site for it.
This is a little odd for me, and I'm trying to sort out how I feel about it. It's the code that I worked on for a year of my life, and Dave Rolsky worked on for 6 months of his. So it's kinda feels like our baby. But then we were contractors, and so we really shouldn't feel that way, and normally we wouldn't, if it weren't for how we were pretty much fucked over by O'Reilly management at the time. Plus WebBoard UX was going to be open source, or so we were told, which puts a whole different perspective on how you feel as a contractor writing code for someone.
Anyway, I think I actually feel quite good about it overall, because it was much worse to have lost that code forever IMHO. I still look at it some days (it is of course still on my hard drive and in my CVS server) and think I could finish it off so it would work, at least for me. Maybe I'll see if some of my old O'Reilly contacts who moved to chatspace will send me a copy, for old times sake.
I know Dave feels quite differently to me, mostly because when I started the whole open source thing wasn't on the cards at all, whereas it was always going to be open source for Dave.
Still, pretty cool to have a mod_perl based shrink wrapped application for sale.