Wiki proposal - dot file templates

Matts on 2004-02-16T18:04:09

Here's something I'm going to implement in the AxKit wiki. This is mostly for standardization of project pages at work.

If you create a page with a dot in the name, the part after the dot should be used to pull out a template.

e.g. if I create: FooBar.usecase it should start off with a template for use cases.

and if I create: FooBar.project it should start off with a template for projects.

The templates should be the pulled from the page with no prefix, so the .usecase page should be used for use case templates, and the .project page should be used for project page templates.

This way anyone can hack on the templates (they're version controlled within the wiki like everything else) and it becomes much easier to create similar looking pages.

Boom Dot Bust

kingubu on 2004-02-16T18:40:17

Ooooo! Cool idea!

Who's going to design the .pornspam template? ;->


Specifying templates

dws on 2004-02-16T21:33:04

Another approach is to add support for directives. In adapting my Wiki for blogging, I added support for
  #title optional title with HTML markup
  #abstract optional abstract with HTML markup
  #template filename
  #markup (wiki|html|pod)
If these appear at the top of the page, they're stripped off and honored.

Re:Specifying templates

Matts on 2004-02-17T22:57:03

The downside with this is you still start with a blank page. With dotfile templates you start with a full template file (be it in POD or XML or whatever format you choose for the template) and people who are writing certain types of new files can start by just filling in the blanks.

Hmm, must get to implementing it now :-)

Generalize it a bit?

jesse on 2004-02-22T01:12:20

Why not let you use _any_ wiki page as a template for the new page.