Piano, AxKit

Matts on 2003-02-08T17:10:24

Piano arrived. Slight dents on the right hand side which you can barely see, but otherwise it's in A1 condition, and looks fantastic. Will upload some photos soon.

AxKit 1.6.1 got released today. Thanks to the rest of the AxKit crew for their hard work. I've submitted a story about it so hopefully it'll be front-paged soon.

AxKit, Piano

sbwoodside on 2003-02-11T06:04:22

AxKit 1.6.1 got released today. Slight dents on the right hand side which you can barely see, but otherwise it's an A1 release, and looks fantastic. Will upload some binaries soon.

Piano arrived. Thanks to the rest of the Piano crew for their hard work. I've submitted a story about it so hopefully it'll be front-paged soon.

(i'm an encourageable punster)