
Matts on 2001-10-22T16:16:07

I have finally started to feel settled again. I don't like big change, but things are finally calming down at Chez Matt (that's like "The La Tratoria", isn't it?).

The house is at the 80/20 stage now. We're 80% done, but we have the bathroom to do :-)

We now both have our offices at home. So we feel like we can bugger off to separate corners, and just get on with things we need to do online. It's nice cos we can still hear each other (and if not we can use AIM ;-).

To that end, I'm getting back into module stuff. I've just releaseed an updated Time::Object to CPAN, and also sent in Time::Piece 1.00. The latter is the same as the former, except with strptime added, and Time::Object won't be updated any more. So make the change now while you can :-)

strptime is cool, but broken in some ways. It is the opposite of strftime - allowing you to parse date formats instead of output them. However you can't parse "The 16th of August" correctly, because the non-date parts ("The", "th", "of") are static in strptime's idea of parsing (and the "th" will change to "rd" and "nd" on some days). I need to think about how that works a bit better for the next release, as I don't think it will fail to parse it at the moment.

Anyway, next up is XML::LibXML fixes. I need to apply TJ Mather's patches. After that it's XML::Filter::Base (which I may rename XML::SAX::Base) and XML::Filter::SAX1toSAX2 with patches (or re-writes) from Kip Hampton. Then it's back on to AxKit, which I intend to add both XSL:FO support and SVGtoPNG support.

Phew. It never stops. Thank god.