Now that I've been hired on full-time at my job (oh yeah... the contract job I was hired for a few weeks ago has turned into a full-time offer (yea me!)) I can get back to trying to get in over my head with Perl which shouldn't be too hard. I can safely fiddle away on the computer without getting one of those looks that says "Shouldn't you be doing something more important right now... like getting a job?"
My reward to myself for becoming gainfully employed again was the Spidering Hacks book. So I spent a while installing a bunch of LWP related modules last night. For some reason the CPAN module had trouble hunting down some of the modules(I probably have something configured incorrectly so it's not CPAN's fault), which meant installing many of them by hand, an area I don't delve into very much. But it all seems to be working so ...yipee!
A little chicken waiving this morning and I had a spider that lets me know if any of my favorite Perl Monks are currently logged in. Now I know this is no big deal for most of you, but dangit, it makes me very happy to try something new and have it working in less than half an hour. I like Perl!