So, here I am!

Mark_Pease on 2001-06-20T20:14:20

Hi, I'm Mark Pease, and I have been shamed into keeping a journal about my Perl doings.

First, a word about me, and then we can talk about Perl :-)

I have been working with Perl from Day One(tm) (as apposed to Larry, who knows pre-history). I yanked it down the day it first appered on the Net. I took a day to compile the thing (Ah! The technology of the late '80!) and then spent a day or so converting a AWK/SED/Shell script. The script created a manual for a Electronic Design Automation library of components. The orginal script took three days to run (Ah! the technology of the late '80!) and you had to babysit the thing in case there was a problem.

The converted script ran the same data in just under 3 hours! I was hooked! I started writing everything in Perl.

Over the years, I have had a lot involvment with Perl. I have taught several classes on Perl, maintained the 68K MachTen port, and even written a book (Software Engineering with Perl.) I'm currently teaching a semister long class on Perl at a local community collage.

The amount of time that I could give to the Perl community lately has been very minimal (taking twin girls through their teen years has been painfull.) My time is starting to free up, so I will start making my presence known again. So watch out!