How to write more RT tickets than anybody else

LaPerla on 2010-01-01T15:23:28

During the last year I took over the lead in the top posters of RT tickets both for the year and for all time. I'd like to take the opportunity to apologize to all recipients for my being such a pain in the neck but also to thank the hundreds of you who fixed their code quite often on the same day I posted my report.

RT has proven to be an excellent tool to work with, it is reliable and fast and easy to use. Thanks to the nevertired Ruslan and the whole team at bestpractical for providing the excellent service.

Thanks also to the cpantesters for laying the ground work of testing in many endless loops.

So let's first look at the boring all-time-posters highscore:
 1: ANDK        1104
 2: SREZIC       811
 3: MSCHWERN     607
 4: guest        486
 5: ADAMK        397
 6: MARKSTOS     389
 7: CHORNY       354
 8: FWIE         231
 9: RRWO         206
10: TONYC        166
11: JDHEDDEN     165
12: WMCKEE       164
13: IMACAT       158
14: JKEGL        151
15: SMPETERS     148
16: MTHURN       146
17: LGODDARD     142
18: DAGOLDEN     140
19: RJBS         132
20: CDOLAN       125
21: JPIERCE      121
22: MAREKR       120
23: RCAPUTO      120
24: FREQUENCY    116
25: JESSE        107
26: ATOURBIN      98
27: SAPER         93
28: KMX           92
29: RSAVAGE       91
30: DMUEY         91
31: PETDANCE      88
32: BARBIE        86
33: DANDV         85
34: KANE          85
35: JJORE         82
36: David Favor   82
37: DOLMEN        81
38: NKH           80
39: Niko Tyni     80
40: BOBTFISH      79
This year I want to accompany the list with a top-40-posters-per-year listing to give the newcomers a chance to recognize themselves in relation to others:
 1: ANDK                  461
 2: FWIE                  212
 3: SREZIC                130
 4: MSCHWERN              116
 5: FREQUENCY             108
 6: JKEGL                  96
 7: KMX                    92
 8: DOLMEN                 77
 9: DANDV                  71
10: MARKSTOS               53
11: noreply                51
12: CHORNY                 50
13: ADAMK                  47
14: DAXIM                  46
15: BOBTFISH               45
16: DAGOLDEN               43
17: REHSACK                41
18: JJORE                  40
19: DMUEY                  39
20: JQUELIN                39
21: RSRCHBOY               39
22: OTTO                   35
23: ECARROLL               34
24: TODDR                  32
25: CSJEWELL               32
26: David Favor            32
27: Salvatore Bonaccorso   31
28: JPIERCE                30
29: TNISHINO               29
30: Andrew Feren           27
31: JDHEDDEN               26
32: KANE                   25
33: ZEFRAM                 25
34: MSTEVENS               24
35: MTHURN                 24
36: TBONE                  23
37: SADRAK                 23
38: JESSE                  22
39: John Malmberg          20
40: TIMB                   20

Thanks to all of you for being critical consumers who play their part in improving the quality of CPAN and helping the busy authors spotting the problem areas in their code.

It seems I haven't yet answered the question in the headline, did I? Let me admit, it's a trade off I made between quality and quantity. A high percentage of my bug reports were Undeclared dependency issues. And the way I found the issues culminated in the new site that started its existence yesterday. I'll post about this new site later. But for now I'd like to invite you all to visit it and put the tools provided there to productive use. Beat me in the effort getting the analytic findings out to the CPAN authors and help me go back to my own broken code that urgently needs fixing.

Happy New Year


rjbs on 2010-01-01T23:56:33

You definitely haven't been a pain in the neck, you've provided consistently useful reports that almost always allowed me to quickly make releases that greatly improved the chances of my software to "just work." So, thanks very much!

Write them for your own modules.

tonyc on 2010-01-03T22:04:17

If you removed the tickets I created for my own modules, I expect I wouldn't appear in the all time top 40.

Re:Write them for your own modules.

LaPerla on 2010-01-04T07:34:09

Hehe, you're right, your tickets would drop to 35 or less and your rank would be beyond 100. Unfortunately it's quite a bit more tricky to provide stats that eliminate tickets to self because many tickets reach Status=resolved without ever getting an Owner. So I'll refrain posting revised stats.