New Padre-Plugin-PerlTidy release

LTjake on 2010-01-15T14:47:50

Padre 0.54 introduced a couple of project-specific settings, one for Perl::Critic and another for Perl::Tidy. As the maintainer of the Perl::Tidy plugin, it was only natural that I should implement support for this new feature.

Unfortunately, it wasn't immediately obvious to me how I might get at this info. With Adam's guidance, I was able to write the following:

my $tidyrc = $self->current->document->project->config->config_perltidy;

It's a mess of chained method calls, but, it pretty clear that we're getting the current document's project-related config, if it exists.

Here's a screenshot of the new version of the plugin in action.


Grab version 0.09 from CPAN now.