
LTjake on 2008-07-28T02:02:47

For those of you who don't know, I live in Eastern Canada. Fredericton, specifically -- the capital of the province of New Brunswick. It's a pretty small place, especially as far as capital cities go. I believe we're only the 3rd largest city in the province.

With such a small place, user groups seem to be hit and miss. We used to have a Linux user group: FLUX (Fredericton Linux User eXchange -- cute, eh? :), then there was Linux Fredericton (still active, perhaps?). Most recently has been an Ubuntu specific group -- I might actually go to one of their meetings, should they schedule any more.

I've searched over the last few years for some sort of "scripting" group in town, but have come up with nada. So, last week I finally bit the bullet and opened my own Perl Mongers branch --!

At this point, the group is basically a name and that's all. However, I hope to use that name to improve the visibility of Perl in Fredericton, and the surrounding Atlantic region. Perhaps, if i can get the word out to enough people, I might find a group of folks interested in not just Perl, but languages in the same range (PHP, Python, Ruby, etc) and we can get together and share our thoughts and ideas.

Wish me luck.

Best of luck!

Yanick on 2008-07-28T02:26:18

Best of luck from! I hope that the group will pick up and that we will be able to set up a YACCC (Yet Another Canada Capital Conference) at some point in the future. :-)