I've put the 5-a-day thing away for a bit to focus on other things. Firstly it was trying to get a new release of Catalyst-Runtime out the door (5.7013 hit CPAN on the 17th). One of the last bits preventing that release was some back-compat methods for Catalyst::Stats so it could mimic Tree::Simple behavior, which is what $c->stats() used to return.
Unfortunately, this release introduced two regressions, now fixed in svn:
1) "sub foo : Path {}" in the root controller didn't work.
This was as a result of my attempt to allow Path(0) to match properly. A simple 1-line fix resolved this problem. This bug also prevents some components' tests from working successfully (so far Catalyst-Model-Adaptor and Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode) as they used this idiom in their test apps.
2) invalid namespace for relative arguments to uri_for from an action that was run from a $c->forward() command.
Since there are a few conditions to satisfy before this bug appears I'm not too suprised it snuck in to the release. Peter Karman provided a much needed test case and the simple fix (remove "local $c->{namespace} = $self->namespace") which i've included in the 5.70 trunk.
I hope we can get 5.7014 out the door relatively swiftly.
I've also fixed up a couple of Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication RT tickets. Both were simple pod fixes: RT #36062, RT #36063