Currently, your "" file is both your application class and your context class (NB: this is expected to change in 5.8000). We've been slowing suggesting that people move things out of th context/app class so as not to pollute it with an abundance of mehods which may occasionally have unwanted consequences -- for example "login : Global {}" conflicting with the Authentication plugin's login() method.
This tip is broken into two parts:
package Catalyst::Plugin::Foo; use Foo; sub foo { my( $c, @rest ) = @_; return Foo->new( @rest ); }You should reconsider. Either use the module directly, or make a controller base class. That should handle most cases.
package MyApp; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); # MyApp now has the md5_hex method sub foo { # ... return md5_hex( $string ); }after:
package MyApp; use Digest::MD5 (); # no imports sub foo { # ... return Digest::MD5::md5_hex( $string ); }If you want a quick-n-easy cleanup, try namespace::clean.